Great read. I've done a Collab with a photo friend a few years ago. It was like a photo relay. One of us took a photo and the other had to respond. So you had to associate on the previous photo, be it in a similar subject, color, or whatever association you could find. We posted them daily and did not talk about this project for almost a year. It was great fun and we learned a lot during the process.
Thank you, Marcel! I did similar 30 day challenges with my friend, but this was the first time we ended up making a zine out of our collaborations, which is a great experience too!
Great read. I've done a Collab with a photo friend a few years ago. It was like a photo relay. One of us took a photo and the other had to respond. So you had to associate on the previous photo, be it in a similar subject, color, or whatever association you could find. We posted them daily and did not talk about this project for almost a year. It was great fun and we learned a lot during the process.
Thank you, Marcel! I did similar 30 day challenges with my friend, but this was the first time we ended up making a zine out of our collaborations, which is a great experience too!