May 30Liked by Susanne Helmert

i was not familiar with her work but now, thanks to you, i am. and i love it. her thoughts about photography are food for thoughts and i agree with shital: there's nothing selfish about taking photos for yourself. if taking photos is about self-discovery, how can this be selfish?

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It makes me happy, I was able to introduce you to her work. And as I already replied to Shital, I agree with both of you - it isn’t selfish at all, but the way it should be (phtographing for yourself and not for others or what others might find pleasing).

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Susanne, I don’t think photographing for yourself is a selfish act at all! Interesting to read about Iturbide’s photography and her life.

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Thank you for your comment, Shital! Selfish was her word, not mine. I agree with you, it is not selfish to photograph for yourself, but rather the way it should be…

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Graciela Iturbide is such a legend. I'm a big fan of her incredible captures.

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I agree! Her work is fantastic!

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Jun 9Liked by Susanne Helmert

I like that she connects with the people and the landscape that surrounds her and that she lets people choose to be photographed or not. It seems to me that her photos immortalize the wait and not the moment. I don't know if that makes any sense!

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Yes, I think I get. Her portraits of these women are very intimate and show that connection she has built with them over time. I think, that is what makes them so strong.

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Jun 1Liked by Susanne Helmert

Thank you so much for this introduction to the work of Graciela Iterbide. What an amazing photographer! I see her influence in your work. Both of you, just so outstanding.

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Thank you so much, Patris!

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What an interesting photographic journey she had. I loved the images you shared here. Thank you for introducing me to her work!

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Thank you! So good to hear you enjoyed this short introduction.

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Thank you, Susanne. I wasn't familiar with her work, but enjoyed learning about her.

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Thank you for your feedback, Mary! Glad you enjoyed it!

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May 31Liked by Susanne Helmert

As an abstract nature photographer, thanks for the introduction to Iterbide. I look forward to looking further into her work.

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Good to hear you enjoyed the read, Joe! I hope you find her work as inspirational as I do!

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May 31Liked by Susanne Helmert

She and Alvarez Bravo are still my top 2 favourite photographers. Great piece here Susanne.

The larger book was published as the catalogue for her retrospective exhibition in Paris last year or the year before. Her life and work is full of coincidences and the street where her studio is in Mexico city has the same street name as the gallery in Paris where the exhibition took place.

Thanks for sharing her work!

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Thank you, Xavi! Have you’ve been to her house? Such a unique one. Her son designed it for her. But I guess you already knew that. If you don’t have the book/catalogue I can highly recommend it. It is so well made. You would love it.

I haven’t had the chance to take a deeper look into Bravo’s work, but will do some time.

So glad, you enjoyed my piece. It was so difficult to summarise her photographic live into a few words…

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May 31Liked by Susanne Helmert

I haven't been but I've seen it. She's amazing, such a humble character who loves what she does like no one.

yes, I've been following both since I was a kid, Manuel gave a talk in my school when I was a kid about never letting go of our imagination, since then and because of him I wanted to be an artist. And, we had a session with her when I did the masters on documentary photography during lockdown. Yeah, I've got all her books and catalogues.

And I agree, there are so many different periods she's been through that reflects on her work that is hard to summarise in a single post.

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Oh wow, this sounds amazing. No I understand why they are your favourites even more. How amazing that he came to your school!

And yes, I watched a few videos on YT with Iturbide and that was exactly my tought: humble and yet very confident and strong! She really left an impression on me!

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May 31Liked by Susanne Helmert

I have been looking forward to this one since you mentioned her a couple of months ago. Lovely to hear how you connect with her work.

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It took me a while to finish it. I struggled with it, because there is much to say about her work and what she says about photography, I had difficulties to boil it down to a short essay. I probably should have done it in two parts. But I am glad you enjoyed it.

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May 31Liked by Susanne Helmert

Glad you made it through to the other side. Perhaps it is because she feels outside the normal frame of reference ... at least, she did for me.

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She does. And it is a reason why I am so intrigued by her work.

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Heliotrope is one of my most treasured books. Not only for the photographs and essays, but the production itself. Such a work of art. Thank you for recommending Symbols. I will ferret it out and add it to my reading table!

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Yes, it is such a beautiful book on many different levels. Thank you for reading!

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May 30Liked by Susanne Helmert

"When the student is ready, the teacher will arrive." I'm not sure who said this, but this photographer was fortunate to have such a mentor to observe. Thanks for this, Susanne.

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Well said and very true in her case!

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May 30Liked by Susanne Helmert

I have never even heard her name before. Thank you for highlighting these women! Love her work.

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Happy that I was able to introduce her to you!

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Love the first quote, and the one about photography being about self-discovery! Both capture some of my thoughts lately

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She share some many great thoughts on photography I could quote her over and over again.

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Thanks for sharing this Susanne. I also am drawn to her style and approach. And like many of us, simply feel compelled to make more images, even if they are just for me.

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Thank you for reading. I absolutely agree. Looking at the work of others is a great motivator to get out my camera…

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