Your written English is great, please feel confident about your writing.

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Thank you so much, Kate! I really needed to hear this. ♥️

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So glad I found you on here Suzanne. What I love about Substack is how easily it is to find interesting creative people who love to share what they do. Also how as a reader you get such insights into the various creative processes and oftentimes find inspiration. I’m looking forward to seeing your posts and newsletters. I’m taking a lot from your approach as well to Substack. I tend to put too much pressure on myself to ‘do’ and when I am not ‘doing’ I feel I’ve let myself down. But on here I’m hoping to do as you explain - just see how it goes and post as and when seems right. Thanks for sharing.

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It great to have you here, Dawud! I am happy you enjoy my writing and photography and find inspiration here. That’s wonderful.

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Please don't overlook how amazing, and rare, it is for someone to publish a newsletter in a 2md language! So impressive. More than half of my fellow Americans in the U.S. DON'T even have passports, much less speak two languages, so feel good about your drive, desire, and talents.

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This is very kind of you to say, Thomas! It actually helps me feel better.

But I have to say - if I lived in a country (just like the US) that is so big it offers enough travel opportunities for a lifetime and where people speak the language that is most commonly used and understood, I would probably not be any different! 😉

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Hello Susanne, your dog is beautiful! I’m a dog lover and artist too. I am glad I found your subStack. I have created my account here with the desire to do basically what you’re doing, but I never got it off the ground. I love what you have to share and hope that by subscribing you can inspire me to finally start writing. I used to maintain a blog many years ago. Life gets in the way sometimes. I look forward to reading more about your journey! I have a niece who married and lives in Hamburg for the past four years, by the way, and it’s a lovely place. Cheers!

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Hey Juliette! Thank you for your kind words. It is so good to have you here. I hope you will find inspiration to get started writing your own Substack. It is such a wonderful place and community.

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You have already inspired me so much, Susanne, as I started transferring some of my posts! Thank you! I look forward to continuing to follow you. As I add to my own writing, I hope you might check out my Substack as well. Ciao!

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Wonderful! I will go and have a look.

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You had me at Vizsla, we have two and one of my favorite parts of the day is taking them for a run!

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It is always my selling point too! They are the best! ♥️

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Looks great! I have 2 vizsla and love them! Your dog is gorgeous!

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Two Vizsla! How wonderful! For me the best dogs ever! He just turned 11 last months.

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It’s true that two vizsla are better than one! Mine are 3 & 2 😊

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Oh, what a fun (and crazy) age! ☺️

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Ben is an excellent model!

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Yes, the best (at least in my eyes)

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Subscribed. Once worked as an photo editor, so always interested your field of work!

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Thank you, Jens! And welcome!

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Well said. I subscribed to your newsletter (one of my first on Substack) and I'm enjoying both the form and content. Thanks for deciding to write it. I look forward to more articles.

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Thanks, Timothy! It is good to have you here. It has been a great experience so far. I hope you enjoy being here on Substack too!

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I look forward to seeing your photography

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Thank you! Happy to have you here!

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Sep 13
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Thank you for being here. Welcome, Bill! It is a great place. I hope you will enjoy it,

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